Show your support for Lucilla Dramatic Society by becoming a Friend. For an annual fee Friends of Lucilla are able to buy reduced price tickets for all our One Act Plays at Lucilla House.
For the current season 2024-25 the subscription fee is £10.
You can pay by cheque made payable to Lucilla Dramatic Society or make an electronic transfer.
We contact you in advance to notify you of all our productions or any special events we may hold during the year, which you are also welcome to attend.
If you would like to subscribe please click here to complete a short form with your contact details and preferred payment method which you can then submit on line.
If you pay electronically bank details will be sent on receipt of your Friends form. If you prefer to pay by cheque make it payable to Lucilla Dramatic Society and send to:
Friends Membership
Lucilla House
18 Victoria Road West
L23 8UQ
Please mark your envelope "Friends"
For the current season 2024-25 the subscription fee is £10.
You can pay by cheque made payable to Lucilla Dramatic Society or make an electronic transfer.
We contact you in advance to notify you of all our productions or any special events we may hold during the year, which you are also welcome to attend.
If you would like to subscribe please click here to complete a short form with your contact details and preferred payment method which you can then submit on line.
If you pay electronically bank details will be sent on receipt of your Friends form. If you prefer to pay by cheque make it payable to Lucilla Dramatic Society and send to:
Friends Membership
Lucilla House
18 Victoria Road West
L23 8UQ
Please mark your envelope "Friends"
Copyright Lucilla Dramatic Society 2024
Registered charity number: 700241
Registered charity number: 700241